Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Freak Number One!

Well, I waited to find a good new freak, but I haven't been working much, so no new weirdos. Thus, I'll tell you about the bane of my existence: D. D is a short, round, bald, smelly little man who works in the candy department of a department store at the mall that I work at. He and his equally creepy wife came into the store some months ago asking about hand creams and the like. (I work at a European soap store, by the by.) They put off an intense weirdo vibe. After a while, D and his wife split off and began looking at different things in the shop. D began talking at length about his Photoshop prowess and his impressive community college schedule. After a while one of the girls I work with noticed the look of intense discomfort on my face and called me off to do some nonexistent menial task. After that first incident, D comes into the store on a fairly regular basis and asks about me. My manager has gone so far as to let me hide in the back room when he comes by. I'll update on him at a later date, I don't want to use up all my D stories at once. ^_^

Saturday, February 02, 2008


I'm sorry I haven't posted in so damn long (again). Things have been ten shades of crazy for the last couple of months. Let's see... I got dumped, I got a new job, I started going out (!!!), I started my last semester of community college, I crashed my car (no injurues at all and the other car is fine), yeesh, so much stuff! I think that I'm going to take a cue from Bubs, over at Sprawling Ramshackle Compound and start posting a freak of the week. Only these will be the freaks I personally encounter. I have quite a collection you see. They follow me at work, harass me when I go out dancing, it's truly magical. So once I have some time and a fresh juicy freak, I'll start posting. Till then, toodles!