Sunday, October 15, 2006

I am a RAT!

As of this Friday, Cody and I are riding with the Rat Patrol, a bunch of punks on crazy bikes riding through the city terrorizing and amusing the citizenry. It was some of the most fun I've ever had in my LIFE!! We started out in Logan Square, then rode around aimlessly for three hours. Dumpsters were raided, fireballs were blown, and bikes were crashed in a grand gladitorial battle of doom. I can't wait to go to a build day. That's where Rats meet at the chop shop and work on their bikes. I really want to learn to ride one of the tall bikes. It's also cool to have a way to exercise that isn't boring. YAY!

Friday, October 13, 2006


Thank you, Dad. I have now been tagged.

1) Would you bungee jump?
Yeah, my sociology teacher raves about it. It sounds like fun.

2) If you could do anything in the world for a living what would it be?
To make clothes for people like me.

3) Your favorite fictional animal?
That is unfair! There are so many good ones.... I'd have to say El Chupacabra.

4) One person who never fails to make you laugh?
My beau Cody.

5) When you were 12 years old what did you want to be when you grew up?
A fashion designer.

6) What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
Hope to goodness it's not really morning.

7) Have you ever gone to therapy?

8) If you could have one super power what would it be?
Um... could I just be Storm?

9) Your favorite cartoon character?
Daggett Doofus Beaver.

10) Do you go to church?
Not really.

11) What is your best childhood memory?
I had such a great childhood..... Camping at Mississippi Palisades, watching zombie movies with my family and playing Oregon Trail with friends.

12) Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual?
Absolutely not! I'm all for marriage, and moreover, I'm all for marriage be you gay, straight, whatever.

13) Do you own a gun?
Not me personally, but the house I live in, definitely.

14) Have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex.
I'm more of a headbut or kick kind of girl.

15) Have you ever sung in front of a large group of people?
Yeah. I had to sing "Part of Your World" for a vocal recital. I forgot the words, but one girl told me she was moved to tears.

16) What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Hair, definitely hair.

17) What is your biggest mistake?
There have been a few really bad ones.

18) Say something totally random about yourself.
I hate peanut butter.

19) Has anyone ever said that you look like a celebrity?
I get Liv Tyler A LOT. I've also gotten Angelina Jolie (?), Alannis Morisette, and Molly Ringwald.

20) What is the most romantic thing someone of the opposite sex has done for you?
Cody has done so much... Let's go with our six month marker. We had gone out to a carnival a bit before our six months. I had told him about how much I liked the idea of riding the ferris wheel with someone you love, like in old movies. So a couple weeks later, we went to Chicago for our six months. We hung around all day, and that night he surprised me by taking me for a ride on the Navy Pier ferris wheel. It was so sweet!

21) Do you actually read these when other people fill them out?
Oh, absolutely!

22) Is it wrong not to tag anyone?
Prolly. Thus, I shall make with the tagging.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Halloween Madness

Well, that most joyous time of year is upon us. Halloween is fast approaching, and Dad and I spent the day getting in the spirit. We just got back from a spiffy trick shop nearby. Mom and Dad are going as Lizzie Borden and her father, respectively. I have two costumes this year. First is my party costume, a pirate; and the second is "Night of the Living Prom Queen" for Halloween night. Dad and I just bought the gore components of our costumes. I think that this will be a good year for costumes. Now I just have to make a pirate skirt and various accesories. I already have most of my Prom queen costume, i just need gauze and fake eyelashes. I'll pot Halloween pictures when the holiday rolls around. YAY!! I really hope to traumatize some small children this year, that would really make my Halloween.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

My Entry in the First Annual Little Miss Sunshine Online Pageant

I'm not totally sure where this picture is from, I think that it was my Sunday school class. I'm something like 9 or 10 here, again, not really sure (alas, I didn't date stuff at that time). Note the lovely homemade frame, staples and all.

You can check out the rest of the results of the Little Miss Sunshine Online Pageant here.