Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Dear Die-ary...

First off, hugs to anyone who gets this blog title. Life has been tiring, despite the fact that I haven't been doing much. There's been minimal homework, and work is a joke. The store didn't sell a thing ALL DAY yesterday. I don't even know why I show up. I could be comfortable at home reading, not sitting there reading. So ever since I got my license, I've been picking my sister up from school. Now I remember why I hated high school. Arrogant little snots running in front of the car, terrible clothes and just general stupidity. Not that I'm that much better, but, hey, at least I'm in college, right? It's almost time to change for work. I have to look pretty and pretend to be nice. >_<' Ah well, at least I get money and work with cool people. There might be more after work.


Saturday, September 16, 2006

Bruises and Skanking

So last night was the last ever Roadkill Eddies concert. They've been one of my favorite bands since I first heard them...gee, ages ago now. It was a great show. It was at a church by my house, so Cody and I walked there. I kinda got us turned around, I thought it was a different church by my house at first. Ah well, we were still early. So an Eddies side project band played, then a guy on acoustic guitar, the Operetta (who rock), the Chimney Sweeps, and then finally the Eddies. It was sad and amazing. I finally figured out how to skank (for those who don't know, skanking is the standard punk can-can on crack looking dance). I'm also covered in bruises from the mosh pits, which were rather dominated by metalheads. I wonder what metalheads were doing at a punk/indie/ska concert? Weird. It was a good night.

Oh! I finally got a driver's license! So yesterday, instead of Cody driving me around, like usual, I drove him around! I'm really happy that my parents encouraged me to get a license. Well, I should go, we're going to the Renegade Craft Fair today!!

Friday, September 08, 2006

I'm Bored, So I'll Try Posting a Video

This is the most awesome video. Peaches AND Iggy Pop battling zombies!!!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006



Thank you to those who commented on my first post! (I feel so loved....) I don't have much to post about today, just a funny idea that Cody had while we were watching TV tonight. He said we should set fire to the Hollywood sign/letter/thingy!! Which I think is a smashing idea, if it wasn't for the risk. But I shall fantasize, oh how I shall fantasize!!

Well, I should go, doctor's appointment in the morning.

Nighty night!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Ah the Joys of the "Getting to Know You" First Post


My dad said that I should get a blog here, so I did. YAY! Um, things you should know about me if things are to work out between us.... According to some people, I'm a lot like a retarded kitten. I'm not totally sure what that means, but I think it's a really spiffy description. I kinda bounce around from mood to mood and I'm kinda spazzy sometimes. I also sink into states of hateful melancholy. Mainly though, I'm pretty peppy.

So, my greatest love (sewing) is also my greatest cause of frustration. In many ways, actually. Firstly, I work at a sewing center. Mainly I work at a satellite location inside a fabric store. It's very boring and I mostly sit and read. That and I explain to people, "no, I can't cut your fabric, I don't work for Hancock Fabrics". It's really annoying, if I only I didn't want money.... Stupid money, root of all evil.... So, back to sewing. It's also really frustrating because I have so many projects and no time. Between school, work, and trying to have a life, there's no time to sew. And Halloween is coming up, so it's almost time to start my costume. Does anyone know where I can find good information on 16th century female pirate clothes? I'm going as Grace O'Malley. I'm even making a corset! Wheee!

Well, I should get going, I have school in the morning. I want to be up early enough to have a real breakfast and put on makeup and stuff (so I look pretty for my beau, Cody). Wish me luck!
